Sunday, November 17, 2019

A sua luz - Poema done by me on the 16 de novembro de 2019

Jouw licht

Jouw licht verlichtte
mijn pad
liet me voelen
liet me leven
Jouw licht veranderde
mijn lot.
Nu in het donker van 
de nacht
zie ik de sterren aan de hemel
die ik eerder niet zag.
In de rest van mijn leven
zal ik me jouw licht 

Andrea de Oliveira
vertaler:  Hans Van den Berghe


A sua Luz
A sua luz  iluminou o meu caminho , me fez sentir, me fez viver,....
A sua luz mudou o meu destino,....
Agora na escuridão da noite  vejo as estrelas no céu que antes eu não via.
Pelo resto  da minha vida eu me lembrarei da sua  luz.

Andréa de Oliveira


Friday, November 1, 2019

Universo poema 1/11/2019



Ik vroeg de hemel een ster,
en kreeg het universum, 
de maan, de zon.

De zon gaf mij kracht om te leven,
de maan gaf mij kracht om lief te hebben.

Saturnus levenswijsheid,
Venus, charme om je te veroveren.

Ik kreeg nog een komeet, vol licht,
om geen fouten te maken.

En toch, ondanks alles, faalde ik,
en ging ik verder door.

Ik vroeg de hemel meer tijd,
ik vroeg de hemel meer moed.
En Mars verscheen,  de krijger, 
rood, onstuiming, vurig.

Ook Jupiter hielp mij een hand,
als goede raadgever,
tilde mij op tot de hoogste dimensie.


Pedi  aos  céus uma  estrela
recebi  o  universo
a  lua,  o sol,...
O  sol  me  deu  forças
para  viver
a lua  me  deu  forças 
para  amar.
Saturno  compreensão  da  vida
Vênus, charme  para  te conquistar.
Recebi  ainda  um  cometa
cheio  de  luz
para  não  poder  errar
e  mesmo  assim falhei
e  continuei  a andar,....
Pedi  aos  céus um tempo
Pedi  aos céus  coragem
e  apareceu  Marte
guerreiro ,.
vermelho,  impetuoso, ardente,....
Jupiter também  me  deu  a mão
como  bom  conselheiro
me  elevou a mais alta  dimensão.

Andréa de Oliveira

Thursday, October 31, 2019

My first exposition in Markedal Belgium

Im  selling   the  paitings  on  line.  Intteresse?  Contact  me   :





Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dans une vallée quelconque
Poésie 28/03/2019

Comme un ange déchu Dans une vallée perdue Assoiffé de larmes Je me sens... Comme un ange déchu Et toujours blessé Alors je m'en vais, .... Sans direction, .... Et si par hazard je te rencontre, Quel mal je te ferai? Je te regarderai avec tendresse Et avec la même douceur J' essaierai de te le dire, ...... Et malgré les blessures Je bois de mon calice Les larmes que j'ai versées. Je suis, moi aussi, un ange déchu Et entièrement rendu, ...... À tes yeux.
Andréa de Oliveira
traduction: Philippe Levrau

Monday, April 22, 2019

The angel with blue wings - English version

This story was created by my grandmother  Aurora Ribeiro Salek  that passed away in 1995. To honour her I wrote this story, I just put some more characters and colours.

Once upon a time there was an angel Gabriel, he was rather naughty  but he had a good heart. He liked to see the other angels with blue wings flying but  he didnt understand why his wings were white and he decided to ask Saint Peter.
Gabriel: Saint Peter why are my wings white?I can fly but my wings are not so beautiful.
Saint Peter: Ohhhh my dear angel  your wings are also beautiful and shine like the sun.If you want to have blue wings  you have to earn  them. As  an example there  was  once an angel called Zalina, she had  hope where there was despair, she showed  love where there was hate and she saved many lives,in  a  distant  place .So as a reward  I gave her beautiful blue wings.
Gabriel: So what should  I do then?
Saint Peter: Well now you are going to sleep because you have played a lot,tomorrow I shall tell your mission but first I need to think.

Gabriel went to sleep,he was happy,....
The  other day the sky was clear, the angels left in direction of the earth, there were so many,of  them... Saint Peter was rather  tired because he gave to each angel a mission, so he went to talk to Gabriel
.Saint Peter: Do you think you can face  the desilusions of the world?
Gabriel: Ohh Saint Peter I want my blue wings,...

Saint Peter said: You go to  earth , I  shall give you a bag of things that you will take with you. He then  pushed the angel and he fell off in the sky,....but he fainted and  woke up two  days  a  cold  place inhabited  by  poor people. The children were starving because there was nothing to eat. The angel started to cry....
Gabriel : Ohh my God what shall  I do now??? and he remembered that he had a bag, he took the bag with  him   so  he  took  it and started to walk around.   As he was a handsome angel the children started to follow him.
Gabriel said: I need your help. We are going to make some soup  I need matches,wood  and   a big pan , ..then  he looked inside the bag and  found the pan,  the matches and lots of food.  He  took some time to prepair everything and all the children helped him. The little angel passed the whole day giving the soup. The queue was long but  all the childrenwere  able  to  eat the sacred food. When the soup was almost in the end he decided to eat but suddenly a little boy appeared .He was also hungry the angel immediately  gave his soup to this boy.By  now   Gabriel  had    grown  so tired and weak that he fainted  again. . He woke up on the next day but instead  of  on  earth  he  found that  was  in  heaven.,  He understood that we are all responsable for our brothers,and   we  have  to  take    the  responsability  to  help  those  who need   us.
Saint Peter said: Congratulations Gabriel you carried  out   your mission with merit so now I shall give you  beautiful blue wings. Gabriel started to fly and told  the other angels his mission to earth but the story doesnt end here, ...
Next story: The angels with the golden wings.

                                                          Aurora Ribeiro Salek
                                                     Andréa de Oliveira Ribeiro